
How to cancel or pause your subscription

Do you want to unsubscribe from Hello Fresh or are you planning a vacation and therefore need a break? We’ll show you how to cancel or pause your subscription with Hello Fresh.

Since its inception in 2011, Hello Fresh has established itself as the global market leader for meal kits. In 2022, the delivery service could one worldwide Sales of around 7.6 billion euros generate. Just a year earlier it was just under six billion euros.

The success of the former start-up from Berlin seems unbroken. However, if you still want to cancel your subscription, we will show you how it works.

How to cancel at Hello Fresh

If you need a break from the cooking box, Hello Fresh offers you various options. You can either cancel your subscription completely or just take a break if you are planning a trip, for example.

If you want to cancel your subscription to Hello Fresh, you can easily do so via this contact form do. For this you need your customer number as well as your name, address and the e-mail address stored in the account.

You must also indicate which cooking box you would like to cancel. Please note that you must submit a cancellation for each subscription or any additional accounts.

If you have sent the form using the “Cancel now” button, you will then receive a confirmation by e-mail.

Deadlines for Termination

You can cancel your Hello Fresh cooking box on a weekly basis. In § 5 para. 3 of Delivery service terms and conditions you can read the relevant deadlines.

For example, for a planned delivery on Friday of the current week, Monday at 11:59 p.m. German time is the notice period. The day for this period shifts with the planned delivery day.

If, on the other hand, you have concluded a contract with a fixed term, your subscription will automatically end when this period expires. The contract is not automatically extended, which is why you do not have to issue a separate notice of termination.

Here’s how you can take a break from Hello Fresh

If you don’t want to cancel your subscription completely, you can easily pause the delivery. This can be helpful if you’re planning a vacation or just need a break from cooking.

You can set up the pause in your customer account on the Hello Fresh website. To do this, go to your settings and navigate to “Information on the cooking box”.

You can then cancel the delivery in the “Status” area. Only when you reactivate your delivery here will you receive a new recipe box.

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