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How to be one step ahead of mobile attacks?##/MT####MD#

One of the biggest concerns for businesses these days is mobile security. Indeed, all workers now have regular access to company data from a smartphone. It’s a trend that has become even more prominent due to the ongoing global pandemic. At the same time, mobile attacks are becoming more frequent. Therefore, it is necessary to be one step ahead of them. Here’s what you need to know to make it happen.

Mastery of the basics and identification of the essential

When you leave your door open, it will no longer be able to guarantee your safety even if it is an armored door. It is in this sense that the mobile security. The human factor is not at all negligible. If the basics are not mastered, everything else would be useless. Awareness of cybersecurity is therefore the first line of defense against mobile attacks. This makes it possible to guarantee a computer hygiene. Furthermore, safety is everyone’s business. Therefore, in order to be effective, it must be thought collectively, with processes and an appropriate organization. Furthermore, in order to be one step ahead of mobile attacks, it is necessary to develop a effective strategy. For this purpose, it is necessary to go through identification of critical data. However, with the advent of cloud and mobile, it can be very difficult and complex to locate this data. Thus, the professional and personal sphere becomes porous. We must turn to audits to identify this data. Also, audits can help understand the uses of critical data as well as the prerequisites for developing an effective security strategy.

Anticipation of threats

When your plan mobile security has no attack response plan, it is not complete. Therefore, it is not only wise to anticipate the resumption of activity, but it is also essential. Furthermore, mobile security is not only related to data loss. Indeed, it can also be linked to a identity theft. In order to remedy this, a solution would be a change of IP address. Thereby, thanks to VPN for chrome you can easily change your IP. Also, VPN is a very useful virtual network when it comes to security. So it has enough advantages. Finally, for an effective response in the event of an attack, you must take into account potential scenarios and a crisis communication system.

How VPN Works

the vpn can be installed on any mobile device. It actually works on all BONE and is to be started on the device in question. During its startup, your data is automatically encrypted even before the internet service provider (ISP) don’t see it. Then this data is transmitted to the VPN server so that the online destination considers it as if it came from the server and its location. Because of this, the online destination will not consider it as coming from the computer and the actual location of the device.

The benefits of VPN

The VPN has very interesting and not insignificant advantages. Among others, we can cite:

  • protection against hackers : thanks to the VPN, IP address of the device will be hidden. Thus, the data transiting in a secure channel will be encrypted and will become like invisible;
  • private life : The VPN ensures the protection of private data. Also, it offers completely anonymous web browsing. Despite the fact that the use of personal data is governed by the GDPR, a significant collection may nevertheless take place at malicious purposes. In order to truly circulate anonymously, only virtual private browsing will be useful to you.

Detection of new threats and remediation

Fixing known issues, fixing security leaks that are already obvious isn’t really difficult. The real challenge remains detection of new threats. These are, indeed, threats that are often silent. In other words, they are invisible to the user. Moreover, when they are detected, it would be necessary to have the right mobile fleet management tool to remedy them very quickly and efficiently. Also, don’t let the feeling of security let your guard down. Cyber ​​attackers know this and have enough techniques and tools to pass through protection systems. In order to prevent this scenario from happening, you must be able to detect the beginnings of an attack. These are weak signals. Finally, it is the best way to structure a sustainable mobile security strategy. Also, it is a way to reduce the company’s exposure and liability in the event of an attack.

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