This development could be a major turning point in the German government vs. Telegram case. So far, Germany has simply not managed to reach anyone responsible for Telegram. But now Apple is probably stepping in and siding with the federal government. This could have noticeable consequences for Telegram.

Apple is helping the federal government with the Telegram problem

Telegram has been a major thorn in the side of the federal government for some time. Hate and hate speech can be shared there with impunity. Although the Federal Minister of the Interior has called for a ban and even the Federal Criminal Police Office has gotten involved, there does not seem to be an easy solution to the problem. the Telegram operators just aren’t available – until now (Source: world).

Accordingly, Apple is said to have helped the federal government. The US company wants a summonable address transmitted by Telegram so that for the first time a real personal contact could develop. This allows the federal government to put more pressure on the messenger, which comes from the Russian billionaire Pawel Durow. Neither Telegram nor Apple wanted to comment on the subject when asked by Welt.

However, there was probably already personal contact between the federal government and those responsible for Telegram. At least one should come from Telegram’s headquarters in the United Arab Emirates promised willingness to help being. According to Faeser (Federal Minister of the Interior), successful talks have been held with both Google and Apple to get help. This could have further increased the pressure on Telegram, so that the problem cannot simply be ignored as before.

Telegram is among the best WhatsApp alternatives. But there is more:

Can the federal government now take action on Telegram?

It is currently not known how fruitful the first contacts between the federal government and Telegram really are and whether the company will now crack down on the hate and hate speech on the messenger. The coming weeks will show that. At least things are moving.