
Hours instead of centuries: Researchers develop new recycling method

Researchers from Oregon State University in the USA have developed a technology that apparently can be used to recycle all types of plastic.

Upcycling and recycling play a crucial role at the heart of climate change. Because we have to be much more sustainable with our resources and reuse more products instead of throwing them away. But many materials are not recyclable or reusable. However, that could change soon.

Researchers at the US Department of Renewable Energy (NREL) and Oregon State University have developed a method that can be used to decompose almost any plastic. And that seems necessary, too, because the NREL estimates that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish.

Recycling processes are considered expensive and unprofitable

This is made possible by the chemical process of oxidation. The researchers mixed plastic with a catalyst. It then reacted with the oxygen in the ambient air. In the end, only the components of the plastic remain, which are environmentally friendly and mostly biodegradable.

According to the study, even non-recyclable plastic can be decomposed in this way. Previous processes only work if the plastic is clean and separated according to type. If the end consumer mixes different types, for example, the price and effort involved in the recycling process increase. And that’s not worth it for many companies.

Modified microbes break down plastic into components

But thanks to the new process, even mixed plastic breaks down into a single chemical product. Modified microbes are also used to break down the material into its individual components. So far, the researchers have tested the method with types of plastic that are used in coffee mugs, carpets or bottles.

In nature, this process takes several hundred years, but only a few hours in the laboratory. The researchers now hope to use the process more widely and thus make a contribution to solving the plastic problem. Because our environment offers an excellent test environment to try out the process, especially these days.

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