“His bare upper body and sexy Santa pants were already above her”
Patricia van Liemt is a radio presenter, writer and mother of Maria (12) and Phaedra (9). Every Friday she writes striking, honest, funny and above all recognizable columns about her life and motherhood.
“Sorry!” I yelled to my girlfriend “I’m sorry!” She lay on the floor with a half-naked man on top of her. She was his prey. His victory, and we friends sat and watched. There was nothing we could do. The screams around us drowned out any communication we could have with her. I hated how she lay there. It seemed as if the winter cold had taken possession of every fiber in my body. I saw him whisper something in her ear. What the hell did he say? What do you say in the heat of battle?
“With my eyes I wanted to scream: keep your hands off her!”
Before I could think of an answer to that, she flew through the air. She landed on his lap, legs spread apart, and he looked across the room with a look of victory. For a moment I thought I had made eye contact with him. And with my eyes I wanted to scream “Don’t touch my girlfriend!”, but his oiled bare upper body and sexy santa pants were again masculine above her.
Read also – Patricia: ‘Free my boobs! Or not?’ >
Object of affection
At that moment I realized I was filming. I was just filming the scene! And at the same time I kept yelling sorry at her. What had we gotten into? I felt guilty. It had actually been my idea. And I thought we had really evolved compared to the men. That emancipation had led to us women nowadays also ‘getting’ a stripper at our bachelor party. Finally. Equality.
But my feminist heart was struggling. It was on fire and not on fire like the rest of the hearts of the women in the room. The screams around me were deafening and emotions ran high. But I didn’t know what to do with mine. If we had come to see the man as an object, it would still turn around and we women would still lose. One after the other bride-to-be was voluntarily (!) dragged onto the stage with the result that she object of affection became instead of the man. Did I like this?
When my girlfriend later came back to sit with us laughing, I said sorry to her again. She laughed and said, “Have a great day with you, don’t worry.” When I asked her what he whispered in her ear, she said: “Whether I liked it.” You understand: take my heart to hear that.
This article is in the Kek Mama Winter Book 2022, available in stores from November 29.
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