Heatwave – Apkrig
The future of the Earth may look different, but when we omit all those zombie apocalypse and invasion from space, we come across milder and more likely scenarios. One of them also chooses the HeatWave strategy.
Her country did not cope with global warming, which had a significant impact on the functioning of society. The US government decided to focus its efforts on the landlocked states of the United States, and for that reason it renounced all of Alaska. Which was an opportunity for Russia, backed by China, to gain new territory.
The year is 2080 and you become the commander of a guerrilla group that does not agree with the Russian invasion and intends to keep Alaska independent. HeatWave gives you the fate of soldiers from the ranks of ordinary citizens who hide in deep forests from the Russian army, secretly build bases all over the country and prepare for an unexpected counterattack.
If possible, you should avoid conflict until your forces can match the Russian ones. You will search for valuable resources and produce the tools and buildings necessary for the successful conduct of guerrilla warfare in real time. If the enemies reveal you too soon, you will take your feet on your shoulders with your entire base.
When the worst comes to the worst, or when you start believing in violent resistance, turn-based battles with the classic square net come into play. In addition to exploring the open world and crafting, you will also deal with trade and diplomacy with other guerrilla groups, without mutual cooperation you have no chance to win over a common enemy.
HeatWave seems to be at a very early stage of development, as the Perimeter Games studio targets it until the end of 2022. The game is planned for Computers and Switch.