Half of couples who have been together for 10 years or more do not have sex for extended periods
Love emotion concept: hand of couple love on the white bed
Kek Mama conducted a survey about how important sex is to mothers and how often we do it: 88% of mothers think sex is important. The reason why we think it is so important? ‘Quality time together’, need for affection and ‘want to feel satisfied and happy’.
Sex is usually important in a relationship, even if you’ve been together for a long time. Sex provides relaxation, relief and connection. Research has shown that sex often fades into the background when you’ve been together for a long time. Logical, especially if children can walk into the bedroom. But there is no minimum to the number of times you have to have sex to remain satisfied in a long-term relationship. The main thing is that the quality is good, right? And that there is not too great a difference in needs between the partners. If one wants to do it much more often than the other, you have to find a compromise. This will keep you both happy: and in the end, for every couple, do what makes you feel good. There is no right or wrong, as long as it works for you.
Psychology Magazine conducted a study on the number of times couples have sex. Fifty percent of these couples who have been together for more than ten years report having no sex at all for extended periods in their relationship. During the first year in a relationship, 70 percent have sex twice or more per week. Five to ten years later this has fallen to 23 percent and after ten years it will be 17 percent. More than half of both men and women indicate that they certainly still find it important, but that there are other things that they value a little more. Like laughing and talking together. According to them, that connects them the most. But sex is second only to what creates the most connection in a relationship. Surely it’s something you don’t do with others, but only with your husband or wife, right?
The research also shows that in heterosexual relationships, in general, men are more likely to have sex drive than women. It could be because of what we mean by sex, which is penetration. Because women come less quickly than men through penetration, it is less fun for them sooner. To solve this, it is important to pay attention to this during sex. Look at what the woman needs to also reach an orgasm. That way it’s fun and enjoyable for both. And keep that sexual need, especially in a long-term relationship.
Source: Psychology Magazine