Government sends out NL-Alert for storm Eunice
Storm Eunice has the whole of the Netherlands in its grip. Code red applies in several regions, and the KNMI calls on you not to go outside if it is not necessary. The Dutch government is now sending out an NL-Alert as an extra warning.
NL-Alert for storm Eunice
Storm Eunice is the fourth storm of 2022 and it is so powerful that it causes major problems. Reports of storm damage or even worse are pouring in from all over the country. Public transport companies have put in their buses and the NS has also stopped running the trains through the country since this afternoon. Wind force 10-11 is expected with very strong gusts of 140 kilometers per hour. At the time of writing, the peak has been reached, whereby a peak of 150 kilometers per hour can be reached on the Wadden Islands.
The Dutch government has sent out an NL-Alert as an extra warning that storm Eunice should be underestimated. The text in the notification is as follows;
“NL-Alert 18-02-2022 17:12. Extreme weather conditions in large parts of the Netherlands. Stay inside. Only call 112 in life-threatening situations. The emergency number is overloaded. More information and updates on // Extreme weather in large parts of the Netherlands. Stay indoors. Only call the emergency number 112 in a life threatening situation. The emergency number is overloaded. For more details and updates, see”
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