
Google Photos is getting better search for complex searches

Searching within Google Photos generally works like a train: for example, you can search for ‘cat’ and then you will get all kinds of photos on your screen that you have shot along the way of cats. However, according to Google, it can be improved: the application will probably get a better search function for complex searches, because it is currently experimenting with that.

Google Photos

For some people, when they go to the web version of Google Photos, they saw a blue notification saying “Try a more powerful search” (via 9to5Google). You can then specify a little more exactly what you are looking for. For example, you can search for a ‘colorful sunset’ or a ‘peaceful garden’. Also ‘Cinderella’ (Cinderella) is an option to look up in the photos. That is a lot more specific than just a sunset or a garden.

The bottom line is that you can mainly add adjectives to search for something more specific. For example, if you’ve tagged faces, you can request more specific photos of people. If you want to surprise your friend with a framed photo at the beach, you can search for ‘Claudia and Laura on the beach’. Or if you are looking for a picture of your father at the Eiffel Tower, you search for ‘Pjotr ​​at the Eiffel Tower’.

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None of this works on Android yet, so if you’re lucky enough to get the prompt, you’ll have to try it in the browser. I didn’t have the prompt and no matter how I tried (Dutch and English): nothing came up for me. Whether the option will ever come fully to Google Photos is of course the question: it is only an experiment by the search engine giant. Google doesn’t reveal much more about it either.

Do you search a lot within Google Photos and can you find what you are looking for, or are you allowed to be more specific? Leave it now in the comments.

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