
Google before the end? Gmail inventor finds drastic words

Google is omnipresent: Hardly any other company has penetrated our lives as much as the technology giant from Mountain View. Nevertheless, Google’s days could already be numbered – nobody less than Gmail inventor Paul Buchheit believes that. He gives Google only two more years.

Anyone who philosophizes about the end of Google seems like a madman. With a market share of well over 80 percent, Google dominates Internet searches. On the other hand, the search engine business has not just experienced a change at the top – or does anyone still remember Lycos or Altavista today? Gmail inventor Paul Buchheit predicts exactly such a fall from the throne.

Gmail inventors sure: ChatGPT will destroy Google

The Kingslayer: ChatGPT. According to Buchheit, the AI ​​tool could but at the latest two years have completely destroyed Google (Source: wonderfulengineering). Even if Google were able to catch up with ChatGPT, the 45-year-old said the company would not be able to Saving the business model in the new AI world.

Google still makes most of its money from advertising it places within search results. But do users still need a search results list at all, if artificial intelligence provides them with the right answer to the question directly? This is the problem facing Google. According to older media reports, the group even triggered a red alert and brought the founders back to arm themselves against ChatGPT. In a few days, the search engine giant wants to show what it can do.

AI can also create art:

Google is working on an answer to ChatGPT

Internal tests show what Google’s reaction to ChatGPT might look like (source: CNBC). Accordingly, Google could in the future integrate a small chat logo into the search maskwhich opens a Google chatbot à la ChatGPT after a click.

Below the search mask there should also be five examples of questions that you can ask the Google AI. The answers might appear in a green bubble on the results page. An advantage of Google: The results should be more up-to-date. ChatGPT only accesses data up to 2021 – at least in its current form.

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