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Good deal: the Anbernic RG35XX retrogaming console at €60.84

Good deal: the Anbernic RG35XX retrogaming console at €60.84

Aladdin, Super Mario World, Final Fantasy 7, Street Fighter II, Fatal Fury, Mortal Kombat, Sonic, Les Chevaliers de Baphomet, Crash Bandicoot, Grand Turismo, Tomb Raider, Zelda, Metroid : so many mythical games that it is now possible to emulate and take everywhere with you!

14 consoles in one!

This Anbernic RG35XX portable console has a 2100 mAh battery (5 hours of continuous play), a 3.5-inch IPS screen, 8 action buttons and a directional pad. This small machine (165 grams) can emulate a dozen machines of yesteryear: PlayStation, Super Nintendo, Megadrive, PC Engine, Game Boy Advance, as well as the most famous arcade machines of the time such as the Neo-Geo systems (Mark of the Wolves, World Heroes, Metal Slugetc.), JAMMA (from donkey kong To R-Type Passing by mortal kombat) and CPS-II (the series of Street Fighter, Marvel VS Capcom, Aliens VS Predators, Eco Fighteretc.)

A unique collection

The 64 GB memory contains the system to emulate the games and this version comes with an additional 128 GB card. You don’t have to worry about downloading anything since you will find a link in the comments on the merchant site to get 8,000 games! Would you like to play together? The Anbernic RG35XX connects via HDMI to your TV and you can add a controller via Bluetooth. You can then introduce the games of yesteryear to the younger generations!

Why do we recommend the Anbernic RG35XX? :

  • 14 consoles and 8000 games in the pocket
  • A pocket size to play everywhere
  • The possibility of connecting it to a television

retro gaming console

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