
‘Getting two children so close together was quite intense’

Image: Memory Lane Photography and Private

Robin Versigny (32) lives with Rosanne (29) and is the father of sons Jin (3) and Raf (2).

come on

“When it comes, it comes, has always been my idea about having children. I knew I wanted to be a father, I feel like that’s part of it. Rosanne stopped taking the pill four years ago. We both felt that a child was welcome. We had bought a nice house, it was time for the next step.”


“As a father you are a bit wrong during pregnancy. Of course I went to the ultrasounds and I helped extra with the household. I thought Rosanne’s growing belly was special. The thought of our child growing in it was unreal. Rosanne felt our boys grow in her body, but I bonded after the birth. I feel like being a father really started then.”

Kek Papa Robin two children close together


“Jin was just one year old when Raf was born. Getting two kids so close together was pretty tough. There were two little ones who were both going through growth spurts and needed our full attention and care. Raf also had restless nights for a long time, where we sometimes had to get out three times for him. But I’m a sober type: it’s just the same, rest will come later. There is absolutely no point in worrying about this as a parent.”

Also read – Barely giving birth and pregnant again: ‘I just thought: how are we going to pay for all those diapers?’ †

Count to ten

“Sometimes I feel guilty when I got mad at the boys. I don’t like to do that. Sometimes I wish I had a little more patience. They are two and three, of course they still have a lot to learn. Tipping a cup or tampering with the food can happen and is not the end of the world.”

“Raf can be a grumbler and stamp his feet if he doesn’t get his way. Jin prefers to do everything himself. Suddenly he no longer wanted to pee in his diaper but on the toilet. He was potty trained in one day.”

Kek Papa Robin two children close together


“The evening ritual of eating, bathing and putting to bed is always hectic. Then I try to take time for myself. For example, in the evenings I like to exercise with friends. Rosanne and I also regularly try to do things together. Last weekend the children were staying with grandparents, then we went out for dinner and the next day we could sleep in. Well, sleep in… Because we are not used to that anymore, we were awake at eight o’clock anyway.”


“A boy family feels very natural to me because I grew up with two brothers myself – I’m used to it. Rosanne sometimes hints at a third child. I don’t say a resounding yes to that, because the past three years have been quite tough. But I can’t see into the future. Never say never, let’s keep it that way.”

This article can be found in Kek Mama 05-2022.

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