Free alternative to Microsoft Office with new functions
The free office suite LibreOffice is becoming increasingly popular. Now the developers have presented a new version that has it all. Many new functions and improvements have been implemented. Who still needed Microsoft Office?
Platforms:Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows, Windows 10
LibreOffice 7.1: New version is available
After the developers of the open source software LibreOffice distributed a huge update in August 2020, another update is now available for download. There have been improvements in all parts of the program and in LibreOffice in general. Improvements can be found in Writer, Cals, Impress and Draw. Download and use of the alternative to Microsoft Office remain free of charge.
One of the most visible innovations concerns the launch of LibreOffice. There is now a new program selection with an improved look. There have also been program-wide improvements in printing. Changes in the print preview no longer cause LibreOffice to freeze for a few seconds. The new version also helps you to choose the right paper size. Extensions for LibreOffice can now be added more easily with one click.
LibreOffice Writer, the counterpart to Microsoft Word, has taken care of the search-and-replace function, among other things. This now works noticeably faster. In addition, the Style Inspector has been expanded to show properties more clearly.
Beginners should take a look at the introduction to LibreOffice:
LibreOffice: This is new with Calc, Impress and Draw
The developers of LibreOffice have introduced rather minor innovations to Calc. Here, for example, the auto filter function has been revised. With LibreOffice Impress, animations for several objects can now be changed at the same time. Additional buttons for pausing or resuming presentations are also available, as are softer shadows for objects. With LibreOffice Draw, on the other hand, visible signatures can easily be inserted into existing PDF documents.
LibreOffice is available for Windows, Mac OS and Linux. A portable version is also available that does not require any installation. The download of the 64-bit version of LibreOffice for Windows is 313 MB.