
Form Smart Swim Goggles, goggles and swimming coach

For the more than 150,000 sport swimmers in the Netherlands, there is now finally a handy gadget, Form Smart Swim Goggles, which gives them direct feedback.

Form Smart Swim Goggles, a welcome solution to the swimmer’s problem

Swimmers have a unique problem that other athletes don’t have. They move their entire body in water, making it difficult to operate or read gadgets. Especially if you are engaged in a certain exercise such as breaststroke, or crawling, or trying to break a personal best, you cannot use distraction by, for example, looking at a smartwatch on your wrist.

In fact, there’s only one good place for a gadget that provides this kind of information. A pair of glasses. This is the most logical place for a swimmer to get training information. After all, most swimmers already wear goggles anyway. Enter the Form Smart Swim Goggles (€240).

What can you do with the Form Smart Swim Goggles?

You can best see the Form Smart Swim Goggles as a kind of electronic swimming instructor. With a subscription you can choose from more than 1000 different training programs, depending on what you want to train, your technique, your endurance or your speed. And that’s not all. You can also choose what kind of environment you swim in, in open water, in a competition pool or in a private pool.

With the GPS function built into a smartwatch, you can also determine whether you have already traveled the intended distance. The smart glasses can exchange data with a smartwatch or with an app on your phone. Or with other users, because there is a whole platform behind it. Do you swim in open water? Then the data exchange between the Form Smart Swim Goggles glasses and your smartwatch is a valuable feature.

Other advantages include the long battery life of 16 hours and the two-year warranty. A subscription to the accompanying software is free for the first year. After that, the subscription is tacitly renewed and you pay € 16 per month.

To buy or not to buy?

It should be clear, with a hefty price of € 240 and a subscription fee of € 16 per month after the first year, these Form Smart Swim Goggles swimming goggles are not for people who have to bite the bullet. If you are a serious swimmer who trains intensively, and also strives to put in a strong performance and develop as a competitive swimmer, then this is an interesting gadget that gives you a lot of support when you are swimming. Do you swim more recreationally? Then these glasses are rather pricey overkill.

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