
Fast Internet via satellite: Telekom is planning a new offer

Together with Eutelsat, Deutsche Telekom would like to offer internet via satellite soon. This should enable fast internet, especially in remote regions of the country. A first test is already running.

Satellite Internet: Telekom and Eutelsat cooperate

Starlink receives new competition: As Telekom announces, they would like to cooperate with Eutelsat Communications for the distribution of Internet via satellite. A “Fast broadband” via satellite are offered in Germany.

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Telekom sees the project as supplementary broadband coverage at. In rural and remote regions, where the development of traditional infrastructure does not pay off, fast connections should nevertheless be possible.

The satellite group Eutelsat Connect, which went into operation in November 2020, is available for the connection. Telekom describes the total capacity as 75 gigabits per second. Homes and businesses can travel at speeds of up to 100 megabits Calculate in the second, they say. In addition to Germany, 14 other European countries are covered (source: Telecom).

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A first extensive test with internet via satellite is currently running in Heimerzheim (North Rhine-Westphalia), which was and is severely affected by the floods. Residents can establish a satellite connection at the local parish office. There are no costs for this. Starlink also has a similar offer in some places.

Telekom: No prices for satellite internet yet

How much Telekom would like to have for the Internet via satellite has not yet been specified. However, the offer is unlikely to be particularly cheap. At the Competitors Starlink are due monthly 99 euros, plus 499 euros for the set.

In Germany you can use the so-called “digitization subsidy” for fast satellite internet Voucher for 500 euros can be applied for in order to make the purchase of the Starlink hardware cost-neutral.

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