It’s over after just one year: Facebook is discontinuing the podcast service on the platform. This also affects the short sound bites. New content can no longer be uploaded.


Facebook discontinues podcast offering

About a year ago, Facebook introduced a central audio hub where users, among other things, Podcasts and short audio clips (soundbites) publish directly on the platform. The project was not a great success, as the cancellation without replacement in the next few weeks makes clear.

Partners have already been informed that no more new content published can become. From June 3, 2022, Facebook’s audio offering will be removed entirely. According to a spokesman for Facebook parent Meta, in the future they want to focus on the “most meaningful experiences” for users. So it should be clear that Facebook has lost interest in podcasts and other audio content.

According to the current state of knowledge, at least one format should be retained: it should also be possible in the future Live Audio Rooms to join This is a copy of the Cloubhouse concept. The Live Audio Rooms are to become part of Facebook Live (source: Bloomberg).

Which microphones are suitable for podcasts? The answer in the video:

Facebook app: podcasts external again

If you want to continue listening to podcasts that have been shared on Facebook, must leave the Facebook app – just like it was before official podcast support. This also makes direct communication with podcasters a little more difficult again.

According to Facebook, more than 170 million users connected to “hundreds of thousands” of podcast sites on the platform. According to Facebook, there are 35 million members in podcast fan groups.