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Excessive smartphone use is the cause of poor sleep

A study published by Frontiers in Psychiatry links smartphone use and poor quality of sleep. A contemporary evil in particular because of the blue light.

The massive arrival of the cell phone in our lives has been a real upheaval on a daily basis. However, over the course of studies and medical cases, it appears that when used excessively, the smartphone becomes harmful to our health. In a study involving a panel of 1000 students from King’s College London, 40% show signs close to addiction. Exposure to blue light is the main cause of another evil: poor quality of sleep.

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Using the smartphone at night is the cause of poor quality of sleep

On the study panel observed, it appears that 38% of people surveyed show signs of phone addiction. Within the group presenting these symptoms, 68.7% of them have poor quality of sleep against 57.1% for the rest. It is especially from late evening use that the telephone becomes a problem. Whether through the emission of blue light that keeps you awake despite fatigue or the consumption of video content. In France, it is above all the problem of airwaves that is at the heart of Phonegate Alert movement which seeks to challenge the health authorities.

In addition to the quality of sleep, the study shows that smartphone addiction also implies a deteriorating quality of life. In this case, the students concerned also saw their marks drop. In addition, the analyzes carried out by the researchers, the symptoms of addiction do not necessarily translate into the time spent on his smartphone. On the other hand, if the subject consults his phone when he is tired, he is three times more likely to be addicted. As you will have understood, try not to rest too much on your device and favor reading at the end of the evening, which is conducive to better sleep.

Source: Frontiers in Psychiatry

Excessive smartphone use is the cause of poor sleep

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