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Everything about Web3 and how it can make your life easier!

What is Web 3.0 and how does it actually work?

Web 3.0 is more about the evolution of the technology that powers the web and what it will allow people to do on the internet. The tools and resources that will be made available to users are impressive, but the web is still a way to connect people. Web 3.0 has been a buzzword in the tech industry since 2013, but I only really understood what Web 3.0 was last year and now it’s here with great tools and resources for us help create amazing things!

Internet 3.0

Web 3.0 is a term that refers to the hypothetical future Web which should be more personal, more interactive and more open, compared to the Web as it exists today. The term often implies a transition from the centralized, top-down web development model that has dominated since the early 1990s to a more decentralized, participatory model.

The term “Web 3.0” has come into common usage and has been used to describe major advances in computer technology since Web 2.0. Web 3.0 has been called a “paradigm shift” that will decentralize information as a means of sharing and disseminating knowledge and enable communities of users who can motivate each other to share interests, goals, resources, knowledge and supports.

Some Web 3.0 technologies include:

  • one of the themes of the book “Web 3.0” is that blockchain technology could revolutionize society, as it was developed for peer-to-peer transactions, such as trading goods and services over the Internet, without a central authority, such as a government or bank necessary to verify transactions;
  • The Internet of Things is defined as the interconnection of physical devices (e.g. household appliances, household robots, sensors) with an Internet Protocol-based network to facilitate data sharing and interaction. The IoT makes it possible to connect a large number of devices in such a way that their data will be shared and analyzed, which improves their functionality.

“In a world of 100 trillion Web 3.0 users, the potential for data analysis is immense. It’s not just about the number of users, but what the data analysis tells you about them. If you’re an online business with a blog, you can use that same data to improve your blog content, attract more visitors, and increase your revenue. “The potential for data analysis is enormous. »

How Web 3.0 can help you with 5 amazing use cases?

1) create an autonomous community. Imagine a world where your community is sustainably funded by you and your members. You set the rules, create the content, and decide how revenue is split between members. You don’t have to worry about which ads to place or how to generate revenue;

2) share content with your friends. Let’s say you are creating a blog and want to monetize it. Out of the box, services like Medium and Patreon make it easy to start making money from your content. These services are just a small part of the many ways you can use to share your content with the world;

3) participate in projects and get paid. In the world of crypto, you don’t need money before you do anything. You can create assets to use as currency, which is why people use things like Bitcoin and Ethereum to create decentralized markets, communities, and value. If you have a skill that people would pay for, it’s easy to create your own project on the platform of your choice. I recommend reviewing projects on services like Github or joining projects on platforms like Bitcointalk;

4) follow creators who support what you love. Just because a designer is in your field doesn’t mean they care about what you do. If people follow the creator on their platform, chances are they will want to support and be inspired by them. This allows you to connect with other creators who might not be working on projects that seem to match your skill set;

5) study the projects of engineers. You can also see the type of things people receive in return for their work and consider creating something similar. It’s a great way to get a feel for the market, but it’s important to remember that the project may not look very appealing in your field.

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