EU approves investment of 500 million euros
The construction of more charging stations in Germany is being funded. (Photo: DavidSch / Shutterstock)
The federal government can invest 500 million euros to expand the charging network for electric cars. The EU hopes the investment will help meet the climate goals.
The EU has approved an investment in the German e-car charging network. As the European Commission announces, Germany is supported with 500 million euros.
This is intended to install new fast and standard charging stations and finance their connection to the power grid. Upgrading or replacing existing charging infrastructure can also be paid for with the fund.
CO2 reduction through the turnaround in traffic
The European Commission justified the investment with the aim of saving CO2 and meeting the goals of the European Green Deal.
“The scheme will encourage the switch from fossil fuels to electromobility by promoting an open and user-friendly national charging infrastructure,” said the Commission.
The money comes partly from the European development plan after Corona and partly from national funds. Exactly which projects are funded is decided through public tenders.