
Elden Ring: All Paintings Locations and Solutions

In the Elden Ring, you can find various paintings at artist’s huts, each depicting a specific location in the game world where you can find loot. At this point we show you all the painting locations and the exact solutions.

Painting solutions in Elden Ring

The paintings are kind of like a scavenger hunt in Elden Ring. After finding and examining a painting, it will be placed in your inventory under the Info tab. Here you can examine it again more closely and examine a reference text including an enlargement of the painting.

You are now looking for the place from where the painting was drawn. The spirit of the painter will then briefly appear and disappear again at the respective location. Then Loot will appear in its place, which you can collect. The painting is then considered solved.

In the following we will show you the Locations and walkthroughs for all paintings in Elden Ring.

A notice: This guide is under construction and will be gradually expanded to include more painting solutions.

Homecoming Instinct Painting

Location of the painting: Inside the artist’s hut north of Lake Agheel in Limgrave east of the river.

Location of the painting "homecoming instinct" (Elden Ring).
Location of the painting “Homecoming Instinct” (Elden Ring).

Solution for the painting: Go to the shore of the lake just southwest of the dragon burned ruins. There are some tombstones here and in front of them the ghostly painter will appear sitting on his chair as you approach.

solution for the painting "homecoming instinct" (Elden Ring).
Solution for the painting “Returner Instinct” (Elden Ring).

Reward: You will receive the Invocation Scarab head armor. This lowers the FP cost of invocations, but increases the damage received.

You can also see the complete solution to the painting “Returner Instinct” in the following video:

Prophecy Painting

Location of the painting: In the small side room just before the location of mercy “Elevator Side Chamber” inside Castle Stormveil.

Location of the painting "prophecy" (Elden Ring).
Location of painting “Prophecy” (Elden Ring).

Solution for the painting: The Ghost of the Painter sits on the cliff at the northernmost point of the Peninsula of Tears, south of Limgrave. Directly north of the Pilgrim Church.

solution for the painting "prophecy" (Elden Ring).
Solution for the painting “Prophecy” (Elden Ring).

Reward: You will receive the Spirit Ash “Warhawk Ash”. For 52 FP, you can use it to summon the spirit of a Warhawk.

You can see the complete solution of the painting “Prophecy” again in the following video:

Resurrection painting

Location of the painting: Inside the Artist’s Hut, just northwest of the Carian Lecture Hall in eastern Liurnia.

Location of the painting "resurrection" (Elden Ring).
Location of painting “Resurrection” (Elden Ring).

Solution for the painting: The painter sits on a rock in the middle of the hill with the many graves east of House Caria in the far northwest of Liurnia. You must first fight your way through House Caria to reach this location.

solution for the painting "resurrection" (Elden Ring).
Solution for the painting “Resurrection” (Elden Ring).

Rewards: Young Scholar’s Cap (head), Young Scholar’s Robe (chest) and a Larva Tear (Can be used to reskill in Elden Ring).

You can also see the complete solution to the painting “Resurrection” in the following video:

Red Mane Painting

Location of the painting: In the center of the wizarding city of Sellia in Caelid.

location of the painting "redmane" (Source: Screenshot GIGA).
Location of the painting “Redmane” (Image source: Screenshot GIGA)

Solution for the painting: The painter sits on a cliff just south of the lower earth tree in northeast Caelid. You have to drop down onto the branches on the rock face and keep jumping down carefully. There is also a large stone golem lying on the ground near the painter.

solution of the painting "redmane" (Source: Screenshot GIGA).
Solution of the painting “Redmane” (Image source: Screenshot GIGA)

Rewards: Ashes of War “Hail of Arrows”

You can see the complete solution of the painting “Red Mane” again in the following video:

Flightless Bird Painting

Location of the painting: Right by the Place of Grace “Fortified Estate, Ground Floor” in western Leyndell.

location of the painting "Flightless bird" (Source: Screenshot GIGA).
Location of the painting “Flightless Bird” (Image source: Screenshot GIGA)

Solution for the painting: The painter sits on a cliff in the windmill village of Dominula in the north of the Altus Plateau.

solution of the painting "Flightless bird" (Source: Screenshot GIGA).
Solution to the painting “Flightless Bird” (Image source: Screenshot GIGA)

Rewards: Invocation “Deadly Sin of Fire”

You can see the complete solution of the painting “Flightless Bird” again in the following video:

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