
Dyson Sphere Program – -apkrig

You certainly know games like Factorio or Satisfactory. They are practically only an automation process, where in the beginning you do a lot of things at length, manually, so that you can later leave behind the machines and focus on more important systems. The same thing applies to the new Dyson Sphere Program, which differs fundamentally from the former in its scale. This time you will create complex factories from many planets in the solar system.

In the beginning, it is only you and the untouched nature of the procedurally generated planet, including the surrounding solar system. Your robotic suit is energy intensive and you need fuel to move, jump, fly, mine and build. You will soon build your first coal mine and quickly forget about these initial problems, but in the beginning it is necessary that you will later notice a wonderful feeling of making everything you do more effective.

Of interest to the Dyson Sphere Program is the environment itself. Planets are real 3D bodies in space. You see their curvature, you can orbit them all over time, you watch the west and east of the star around which they rotate.

In time, through truly busy trees of scientific research, you will cover the entire planet with buildings that will mine, process, produce and otherwise modify the materials that they transfer to each other using conveyor belts. A large part of the planet will be covered by solar and wind power plants, which will supply your entire infrastructure with energy.

And a little later you will find that one planet is small for you, so you will look for a new body where you are expanding with your thriving society. Afterwards, you will also send the manufactured products between the individual planets, and you will slowly build bodies that make the most of the energy from the adjacent star.

Hence, after all, the name of the game, which refers to the theory of Dyson’s sphere, a kind of sphere that could envelop a star and draw all its energy from it through its walls. The description of the game, however, pretends that you will not explicitly build anything like that, and the individual planets orbiting the star will become miniature Dyson’s spheres.

As a result, it probably doesn’t matter, mainly to make the tens and tens of hours of automation as fun as they sound and look. The Dyson Sphere Program has just begun its journey in the preliminary approach and is already collecting excellent reviews. Expect a full game in a year at the earliest.

PS: Despite the Chinese in the pictures, the game contains an English localization. And for fun, the game is released by Gamera Game, which brought to the market the famous RPG strategy Amazing Cultivation Simulator. He seems to have a smell for really interesting Chinese games.

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