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With the AW Reader on your phone, you’re always up to date with the latest Android news and rumours. In addition, our app provides you with a lot of useful tips and apps that you did not know yet. Also for extensive reviews about telephones, smart home products, smartwatches and much more, you have come to the right place with this app. In this article you will learn everything about Androidworld and the community and you can immediately get started with the Androidworld app.

What is Android World?

Androidworld is the largest Android news site and Android community in the Netherlands and Belgium. Through the AW Reader we inform you daily about the latest Android news, the best apps and games, the latest updates and the most useful tips. Thanks to our extensive reviews, you will find out which phone suits you best. In addition, Androidworld is also an expert in the field of smart home, sports watches, fitness trackers, headphones and many other gadgets. Do you have questions about your phone or Android in general? Then you have come to the right place at Androidworld for useful Android tips and our Androidworld forum. Androidworld provides you with news, tips & tricks, reviews, but Androidworld is above all a community that you can be part of.

Home screen of the AW Reader

What will you find in the AW Reader?

The AW Reader is the name of our app. With this app you follow the news of the largest Dutch-language Android news site:

  • The latest news about Android and Google
  • A lot of reviews
  • Tips & tricks for beginners and advanced
  • Interviews, opinion and background articles
  • Android apps and games
Download the free Android app from Androidworld on your smartphone
Dark Mode in the AW Reader

Join our close-knit community with the AW Reader:

  • Receive push notifications from articles
  • Create your own account
  • Join the Androidworld community by commenting under articles
  • Share articles with your family and friends
Download the free Android app from Androidworld on your smartphone

Download AW Reader

Have you not yet installed our app on your phone or tablet? Then you can download the AW Reader on your Android or Huawei phone via the links below. Don’t forget to leave an honest review for our app on the Play Store. We really appreciate that. Do you have any feedback or questions about our app? You can report them to us!

AW Reader - Android, News, Apps, Reviews & Tips

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