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Do you need specific knowledge to create an application?

The market for mobile applications has been booming in recent years. Riding on the trend of mobility and anxious to be close to their target without being intrusive, brands are increasingly developing mobile applications. When we talk about creating a mobile application, we always think of using developers. However, it is quite possible to develop a mobile application for your business without necessarily being a coding ace. How is it possible ? Once the mobile application has been created, what are its advantages?

It’s possible to create a mobile application without coding

To the question of knowing if you necessarily need specific knowledge to create a mobile application, The answer is no ! Indeed thanks to sites like, you can easily create your application online, for Android and iPhone operating systems. Without technical knowledge, these platforms allow you to easily create and develop a powerful mobile application for your business with just a few clicks.

In this case, the creation process can be summarized in four steps. The first is the design of your mobile application. It’s about choosing a design template for your mobile app and then customizing it. To this end, you can use an editor which allows you to develop each of the screens of your application and to associate the functionalities of your choice with it. Whatever your choices, be sure that your mobile solution will perform.

The second step is to add advanced features to your application. Here, the goal is to allow more interactivity on your mobile application. Depending on your activity, online site creation platforms provide you with a wide range of advanced features: online sale of products, geolocation, video distribution, etc.

The next step comes down to choosing the application model that inspires you, among a variety of proposals. Once this step has been taken, the next one will consist of publish your application on the different download channels. You can then use tracking and measurement tools to measure the audience of your application, track its number of downloads and be informed of related statistics.

Application creation tools without code

Apart from the online platforms that facilitate application creation, there are also other tools. They were designed for people who want to develop a mobile application, but who have no technical knowledge in coding. These are turnkey solutions, simple and intuitive in their use. You can use it to create a powerful application.

You will find very aesthetic templates and inspirations to create the perfect mobile app for your business or activity. Remember to respect a certain color code according to your activity, sector, targeting and logo.

You can even create a mobile application from your mobile! For more convenience, it is still advisable to do it on a computer. Do not hesitate to set up push notifications in order to better relay the news on the user’s phone.

Develop an application without coding, yes but …

If it is true that you can develop a mobile application even without being good with codes, you still have to take into account certain criteria. They condition the performance of your application and above all its usefulness.

Good targeting

It is inappropriate to develop a mobile application without upstream targeting. For the app to be useful and meet needs, it is important that it is addressed to the right people. This involves precisely identifying the target to whom your application will add value. Such an action also requires consider the problems to which your targets hope to find a solution if they download your app.

Good targeting is all about creating an ideal user. We are talking about persona. Thereby, you better understand their needs, their imperatives, their behaviors and habits. These data collected, you will be able to better adapt the contents and functionalities of your mobile app. The ideal from the start is to capitalize on 2 to 3 personas, even if it means making possible modifications to your application later if the personas evolve.

A good knowledge of the company’s objectives

Although created without any technical knowledge, a mobile application must be in line with the company’s objectives. In this case, it is a question of knowing concretely what your mobile application will be used for. Between realism and ambitions, the objectives here can be broken down into three essential categories:

  • the objectives of the project : define the purpose of the application, set its scope (PWA application, native or hybrid?), define the resources to be mobilized, etc.
  • quantitative objectives : focus on the SMART method and certain indicators,
  • qualitative objectives : define the type of application, consider the creation of a community, improve customer knowledge, offer an optimized user experience.

Other factors to consider

If the user experience, objectives and targeting must be at the heart of your thoughts to develop a mobile app, you will also benefit from considering other modalities:

  • tests before going online of the application,
  • the description of the application to facilitate its identification,
  • advances in Google algorithms and robots,
  • Consideration of details like data usage, icon, loading speed, and app pricing factors.

Development of an application: the advantages

Even in the absence of technical knowledge, if you manage to develop your mobile application, you can claim all the advantages inherent in such a solution.

Surf the dynamics of a booming market

The very good penetration rate of smartphones has encouraged the boom in the mobile application market. Developing a mobile application therefore allows you to align yourself with a trend that generates visibility for your activity. The mobile application facilitates proximity to your targets, without invading their space.

More than 50% of internet connections are made from a smartphone. Some studies estimate the mobile app market at nearly $ 110 billion for 2021. Figures that bear witness to the boom in the mobile application market and the need to align with what is increasingly taking on the appearance of standard.

Position yourself quickly on the purchasing journey

The mobile application is an efficient solution that allows you to position in the right timing on the purchasing journey. In a context where more than one in two consumers use their smartphones to do online research before buying, the mobile application helps you quickly position yourself on the buyer journey.

Through product visualization, product comparisons or free demonstrations, the mobile application has become an effective customer acquisition tool.

Trigger impulse buying

Smartphones have become very useful everyday tools for users, who use them to meet immediate needs. However, mobile applications, surfing on this dynamic of spontaneity, promote impulse and spontaneous purchases.

Via a mobile application, users are easily more inclined to buy a product than if they were in a physical store. Some apps even allow one-click purchases, without the user needing to go through the shopping cart.

Mobile application for business

The other advantages of a mobile app

By developing a mobile application without coding for your business, you:

  • strengthen your brand image,
  • increase the visibility of your company,
  • offer a new user experience to customers,
  • collect additional data useful for your marketing strategy.

Far from encroaching on the quality and performance of the application, the creation of an application without technical knowledge is quite possible.

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