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Do You Need Industrial Cyber ​​Security

1. What is industrial cybersecurity?

Industrial cybersecurity is a term that refers to the prevention of computer attacks and security breaches in industrial systems. It can be applied to a variety of technologies and environments, including industrial control systems (SCI), industrial programmable logic controllers (APIs) and the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT).

industrial cybersecurity aims to protect critical data, processes and assets against any form of cyber attack or threat. It includes various methods to detect, prevent and react to threats. It also includes developing and maintaining appropriate policies, procedures and controls to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of sensitive data.

2. The causes of industrial cybersecurity

Industrial cybersecurity is a growing concern for many companies. Computer threats and cyberattacks are constantly evolving, which means that industrial systems must be constantly updated to remain safe from hackers.

  • The main causes of industrial cybersecurity are the lack of investment and attention devoted to digital security, as well as the lack of training and information for employees on security best practices.
  • In addition, some companies do not sufficiently take into account the possibility that an attack could occur within their computer system, which can have catastrophic consequences if not quickly identified and treated.
  • Finally, it is important to note that some malware can use known or unknown vulnerabilities to compromise a computer system. This malware can infect remote computers or even physically damage computer equipment. It is therefore essential for any company to ensure adequate protection against these threats in order to prevent hacking and destruction of the data stored on its network.

3. The challenge of industrial cybersecurity

Industrial cybersecurity is a big challenge for the future. With the development of IoT technologies, computer systems are becoming more and more complex and it can be difficult to guarantee their security. Organizations must take preventative measures to protect against cyber threats that exist today and will continue to evolve as technology advances.

It is essential that companies have robust policies and procedures in place to ensure that their sensitive data and IT systems are protected. This involves thorough risk analysis, rigorous implementation of physical and logical security, and proactive monitoring of internal and external networks. Companies should also invest in ongoing staff training to ensure that everyone working on their systems understands the fundamentals of industrial cybersecurity.

4. Cybersecurity in three points

Have competent resources

Cybersecurity is an increasingly important and relevant topic for businesses today. Having competent resources is essential to protect your network and data against online threats. Preventative measures such as encryption, limiting access rights, and using security software can all help make your system more secure.

However, it is equally crucial to have employees trained in cybersecurity best practices. Employees should know how to protect themselves against phishing attacks, weak passwords, and other common threats. It is also important that they are aware of the risks associated with mobile devices, wireless networks and cloud services.

Organizations can educate their employees on these issues through ad hoc training or a general cybersecurity awareness program. In addition, they can hire specialized professionals who know the technology well and will be able to quickly identify any potential threat in order to ensure optimal protection of the computer network.

Have visibility on your industrial information system

Industrial computer systems are increasingly connected and their data is very sensitive. It is therefore important that companies understand the need to have complete visibility into their industrial information system. in order to be able to efficiently and safely manage their activities.

  • Good visibility on an industrial information system enables companies to better understand how technologies and processes interactmaking it easier to identify potential problems before they occur.
  • It also allows businesses to take preventive and corrective measures to ensure the protection of data and networks against cyber threats.
  • IS monitoring tools allow enterprises to monitor system integrity and confidentiality as well as resource usage in real time, allowing organizations to be alerted quickly to intrusion attempts or other cybersecurity incidents.
  • Moreover, these tools can be used to quickly identify vulnerabilities that can compromise system security and take appropriate action to remedy it.
  • Finally, have good visibility on the IS provides IT managers with a clear picture of resource usage, which allows them to optimize the use of existing resources and lead to a better return on investment (KING).

Develop and apply a cyber strategy adapted to the context

It is essential to develop a cyber strategy adapted to the context in order to ensure the security of data, systems and computer networks. A good cyber strategy must take into account the risks associated with the use of the Internet and identify possible threats in order to put in place adequate measures. to prevent or reduce these risks. It should also include backup and restoration procedures, as well as clear policies and procedures to ensure compliance with rules relating to data confidentiality, integrity and availability.

Besides, it is crucial to train staff in cybersecurity best practices so that they can recognize existing threats and understand how to properly apply the measures put in place to protect against them. Ongoing training may likewise be required to ensure that all staff members are aware of new threats that may arise.

Finally, active monitoring of the system is also necessary in order to quickly identify any suspicious activity or any attempt to gain unauthorized access to computer systems. Ad hoc audits can also be useful to check if the policy relating to cybersanity is well applied by the personnel concerned.

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