
Disney Plus and the Mystery of the Missing Episodes

The Disney Plus binge watchers may have noticed, but suddenly certain episodes of their favorite shows have disappeared!

Are you just sitting comfortably in episode 11 of Hannah Montana and can’t wait to start episode 12, it just turns out to be gone. According to the awake guys at What’s on Disney Plus, quite a few episodes of popular series are missing. And it’s not because of Miley or Mickey’s wrecking ball.

They are not the least series, what about Once Upon A TimeAgent CarterMarvel Rising and my own favorite and childhood sentiment Duck Tales† And that is still a completely subjective selection from the list.

technical glitch

The cause would be a technical problem, according to Disney in a response to Deadline. They are working hard to solve the mystery of the missing episodes, but it doesn’t seem to be that simple yet. The search is still on for Turbo McKwek and all the missing episodes of Once Upon A Time.

So the good news is that the episodes and series have not disappeared permanently, but only temporarily. Let’s hope that the clever minds of Disney Plus can conjure up the missing episodes, because it is of course not really good for the customer experience.

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