
did you know this about third hand smoke?

Did you know that as a parent, even when you only smoke outside, you unnoticed take harmful substances back into your home after smoking? Babies and small children in particular run the risk of ingesting this third-hand smoke, while parents feel that they are consciously and cautiously dealing with smoking.

serving hatch

A cigarette on the balcony or outside after bedtime may seem harmless. Often you think it has little effect on your child or the people around you. But when you smoke, you take smoke particles with you on your clothes, hands and hair. You can then pass them on to your child and other people around you via toys, furniture, food and drinks. That cigarette on the balcony is therefore not without risk. If you smoke indoors, the smoke particles naturally end up all over your house. Stopping smoking is therefore the best thing you can do for your child and those around you.

Third-hand: that’s how it is

Pediatric lung specialist Noor Rikkers-Mutsaerts: ”First-hand smoking is when you smoke yourself. Smoking second hand is when you are standing next to someone who smokes. You then inhale the smoke he exhales. But third-hand smoke is a new concept for many parents. You think you’re doing it right: you go out, you smoke and you come back in. But in the meantime you take in a lot of harmful substances. And people, especially children, suffer from this too. That is a very important discovery.

When you smoke outside, you take that smoke with you in a cloud. Children breathe them in, but the smoke also sinks down and ends up on everything: the floor, on toys, you name it. Children are especially bothered by this because they have relatively fast breathing and spend a lot of time on the floor. In this way they ingest a lot of the harmful substances. As a parent, there is one way to ensure that your child does not come into contact with third-hand smoke and that is for real: to stop smoking.”

More energy for fun things

A healthier body and a better mood ensure that you have more energy to do fun things. For example for a new hobby or sport. Quitting smoking can help you with that. There are many tools that can support you when trying to quit. For example, there is the Stop Plan. In that plan you can read why quitting smoking is a good idea, what possible guidance there is and how you can reward yourself. Bob has already stopped the Quit Plan and here he tells you about the benefits of quitting and how he succeeded. Laura, mother of two, has also stopped smoking and shares her story. Laura stopped using telephone coaching. Read more here.

Help for parents

Do you want better health for you and your child? And have more money left over for fun things? Then choose a smoke-free life. Many parents want to quit smoking, but find it difficult to actually do so and often postpone it.

If you want to quit, you really don’t have to do it alone. There are different forms of help. You can read more about this at

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