Determine your own algorithm on Netflix with new feature
Do you want to be in control of what is recommended to you? With Netflix’s ‘double thumbs up’ you can better control the algorithm.
Just about every medium currently has an algorithmic effect. This means that smart machines learn from your behavior and adapt their operation accordingly. It’s the system behind targeting ads to your interests, featured content on your favorite social media, and much more.
Danger algorithms
That sounds nice, but for it to work properly, a lot of your personal data is needed. In this way you allow the medium in question to extract quite a bit of information from you in order to make the algorithm work better for you. The well-known privacy story of Facebook is a good example of this. Netflix also wants that data for their algorithm, so that the recommended series better match your interests.
Netflix algorithm
Fortunately, you can lend Netflix a hand. Netflix learns from what you like. You make that known by giving a thumbs up to a series that you like. The problem is, it’s a little “hypersensitive.” Give a like on a sitcom once and Netflix will only recommend sitcoms to you. Sometimes you want something different. That’s why Netflix gives you the choice to give an extra dimension to your recommendations.
Double thumbs up
You can do that with something that will be rolling out soon: a double thumbs up! It means that Netflix’s algorithm then understands that you really like something. This way you can feel free to give a series a like without your algorithm switching completely. Only with a double thumb does Netflix know that you are serious. Hopefully that gives you a little more control over your algorithm.