
Dark theme in Google Maps available from now on: this is how it looks

Google recently announced that the navigation app will have a dark theme. Google Maps now offers dark mode for everyone. We’ll tell you how to use it and show you what it looks like.

Google Maps with dark theme

Google Maps was one of the few Google apps that had not yet been provided with a dark coat of paint. For example, we saw the dark theme in Gmail, Chrome, Drive and several other apps. For navigation you could already use the night mode, so that more black could be seen, but a dark theme was missing. Until today, because from now on the dark theme is available for everyone with a more recent Android version.

The dark theme makes all light elements darker. Ideal if, for example, you use the app in the early morning or in the evening. It is striking that after our test when navigating the navigation is still cast in a light theme. For this you have to adjust the settings individually.

To use dark mode in the Google Maps Android app, tap your profile picture at the top of the search bar. Then you choose settings and you can choose ‘Theme’. You can then choose from the following three options;

  • Always in a light theme
  • Always in a dark theme
  • Same as the device theme

You can now find the new theme settings in the Google Maps app.

Google Maps: Navigation and Public Transport
Google Maps: Navigation and Public Transport

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