CoronaMelder app has detected 1303 infected people without complaints
In more than a month’s time, the CoronaMelder app has (again) proven its worth. More than 1,300 people without complaints still had corona.
CoronaMelder app in December
The CoronaMelder app appeared a few months ago. This application from the Dutch government should help reduce the number of Coronavirus infections. The CoronaMelder app can see if you have been in contact with someone with the virus, or if you have tested positive later. That way you can also take measures yourself.
New figures now show that since December 1, many people have also been tracked down by the app who had no complaints, but were infected with the Corona virus. In total, it concerns 1,303 people who were infected, who had themselves tested after a report from the app. The percentage of all positively tested persons who have no complaints is around 3.8 and 5.5 percent, Minister Hugo de Jonge reports.
According to figures from, approximately 4,600 people had themselves tested after they received a report via the CoronaMelder app, regardless of whether or not they had complaints. According to the minister, the CoronaMelder app is faster at tracing contacts with whom there has been contact than the source and contact investigation of the GGD.