Consumer protection speaks the word when it comes to mini solar systems
Balcony power plants are currently very popular, but there are certain rules that everyone must follow. The Federation of German Consumer Organizations (VZBV) is siding with consumers in a statement and is demanding that proposed rule changes be implemented quickly.
Consumer protection gives backing to balcony power plants
If you want to buy a balcony power plant, you will often be confronted with the fact that you need a so-called power socket. This is a solution from Wieland, where you need an electrician to set up such a socket. This costs an unnecessarily large amount of money, so many simply use a normal Schuko socket. In the past, this has often led to disputes with network operators. I experienced it myself, but was then able to assert myself. In the future, the Association for Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Information Technology (VDE) wants to officially accept this. The VZBV demands that this be implemented as soon as possible (Source: VZBV).
In the brief statement, consumer protection not only demands that the Power increased from 600 to 800 wattsbut also that officially accepts a Schuko plug as a safe feed option becomes. All of this should now happen very quickly, so that consumers can directly install a slightly more powerful system in order to save more energy and thus money. The higher power and household power socket are safe and suitable for use.
This is what you need to know about the mini solar systems:
VDE has already submitted plans
At the beginning of the year, the VDE already proposed plans for changing the rules for balcony power plants. This includes an increase in output to 800 watts and the acceptance of the Schuko plug. But the changes must now be implemented. This requires changes to standards, which will probably take time. Consumer protection demands that this happens as soon as possible.
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