
Competition for Elden Ring? Trailer for new action-adventure conveys hit potential

The open game world of Elden Ring is currently inspiring countless gamers. The new game Hell Is Us wants to convince with a similar concept. The dark action-adventure is now shown in a first trailer.

Hell Is Us is slated for release in 2023

The Japanese hardcore RPG Elden Ring has many qualities. The majority is particularly enthusiastic about the open game worldwhich gives the players almost no guidelines and just waits to be explored.

The newly announced game Hell Is Us tracks a similar creed: No map, no quest markers or any other help. Players must rely entirely on their intuition to explore the dark game world. A first taste of what’s to come Action Adventure conveys the following Trailers:

What do we already know about Hell Is Us?

Hell Is Us is being developed by the developer studio Rogue Factor (including Mordheim: City of the Damned), under the creative direction by the former Deus Ex art director Jonathan Jacques-Belletête, who also worked on Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy alongside Deus Ex.

Jacques-Belletête describes his ambitious project as follows:

“Our goal at Hell Is Us is to bring back true adventure and exploration. There is no need for a detailed quest log or an exact waypoint on the map: we want players to feel the thrill of adventure, guided by their feelings and instincts.”

Nevertheless, Hell Is Us is about not a fully-fledged open-world game like Elden Ring or the Assassin’s Creed games. Instead, the players move in a semi-open world, i.e. several large areas that are connected to each other.

In terms of content, everything revolves around one person civil warwho devastated the land. While parallel strange beings emerge that are immune to conventional weapons. As a player, it is up to you to clarify these occurrences and learn more about the origin of the beings.

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