
ChatGPT 18+? How old is the chatbot?

With the chatbot ChatGPT you can create texts, answer questions or have creative ideas implemented in writing. Anyone can log in, all you have to do is enter your cell phone number. But that could change soon. Access for users under the age of 18 should be restricted.

According to the terms of use of the service, the registration is already up to date only users aged 18 and over or 13 and over permitted with the consent of the legal guardian. However, there is no age control.

ChatGPT only allowed from 13/18 years

ChatGPT is currently blocked in Italy. In addition to data protection reasons, the lack of age control and thus the protection of minors is also responsible for this. The providers are requested to create appropriate measures for age-restricted access in April, otherwise there is a risk of a fine.

In the house of OpenAI one reacts now and changes the terms of use accordingly. An age survey is planned. In the future, the chatbot should only be used with appropriate proof. Access under the age of 18 or 13 will therefore no longer be possible.

Protection of minors at ChatGPT: control in planning

How exactly the age rating will look like is not yet knownt. Other online services such as the ARD media center use online verification via the ID card.

Even now, ChatGPT is becoming partially used by young people used in schools. Ideally, the AI ​​tool will help with assignments instead of just completely taking over the students’ thinking. It remains to be seen how teachers will deal with it when parents deny their children under 18 access to the chatbot, making it impossible to use it.

While the chatbot is a useful tool, the AI ​​tool should be used with caution. So there are some dangers. Content should not be accepted without being checked, as the chatbot is happy to answer hallucinating and misrepresenting information. Private data should never be given in requests, because the human questions processed by the AI and can be used for later replies.

The developers of OpenAI try to take measures for the protection of minors and forbid criminal, abusive and abusive requests to ask or to generate answers. The youth protection measures also apply to the Dall-E image tools. Anyone who tries to have images that are harmful to young people generated there or upload them for training purposes will be blocked and reported to youth protection agencies.

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