With PayPal you can not only pay for purchases in online shops once, but also recurring subscription fees, for example for streaming services. What if you want to cancel a PayPal subscription?

If you set up a subscription with PayPal payment, the subscription fee is usually debited from the PayPal account by a provider by “standing order”. So you don’t have to worry about paying the recurring fee.

PayPal: cancel and end subscription

A notice: Even if a subscription is debited via PayPal, you should not normally cancel it in the payment service account. Instead you call them Account management of the relevant service on. For example, log into your Netflix account and cancel the subscription there. As soon as the termination is confirmed and the end of the agreed billing period has been reached, no more money will be debited via PayPal.

If you can’t cancel your subscription with the provider or if money is regularly deducted from a service that you don’t even know, you can find PayPal’s subscription management like this:

  1. Log into your PayPal account.
  2. Controls the areapayments” at.
  3. Here you select the option “Manage direct debit payments“Ads” off (More on this: Setting up & deactivating a direct debit agreement with PayPal).
  4. Search for that desired subscriptionthat you no longer want to pay via PayPal.
  5. Here you will find the overview with details on payment and the service. With the corresponding button you can select the option “Quit” choose.
  6. Confirmed the inputto cancel the standing order.

PayPal: Manage subscriptions

Alternatively, you can also find the subscription in PayPal like this:

  1. Open the transaction overview in your PayPal account,
  2. Search here for the Debit for the subscription fee out of.
  3. In the detail view you type the subscription number at.
  4. Then the option to Unsubscribe.

For most online services, it is sufficient if you cancel the subscription in this way. To be on the safe side, you should still check your subscription status in the customer account of the respective provider so that the subscription does not continue unintentionally and only the payment option has been deleted. If you still want to be debited for contributions, please contact the customer service of the respective service. PayPal itself has little influence on the length and debiting of a completed subscription with third-party providers.

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