
Does the insurance pay for damage?

On New Year’s Eve, much to the chagrin of many local residents and especially pets, fireworks are once again set off to welcome in the new year. However, if damage to your own car is found on New Year’s Day due to firecrackers, the annoyance is great. Who pays for this in the workshop?

Paintwork damage from New Year’s Eve firecrackers: You can breathe a sigh of relief

With so much gunpowder burning, it is understandable that the fear of such damage is great. However, you can rest easy, because a normal rocket aims after the proper explosion in the sky no more damage.

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However, damage is more likely if rockets or firecrackers are aimed at cars. In this case could Traces of smoke in the paint be the result. Then, of course, the polluter pays in the first place, or his private liability insurance.

However, if the culprit cannot be found, pay for the repair of vandalism damage (e.g. at ATU) comprehensive insurance. Partial coverage kicks in if Fire and explosion damage and broken windows the consequences of New Year’s Eve are (source: ADAC).

View car insurance at ARAG

How can damage caused by vandalism & Co. be prevented?

Of course, the easiest way to avoid damaging your car on New Year’s Eve is to do it to park in your own garage. So neither drunks nor firecrackers come close to the wheels. However, a private parking space is a luxury, especially in cities.

To be on the safe side, it is advisable to have at least one parking space on a quiet side street to search. If the additional security is worth something, you should consider buying the vehicle in a nearby underground car park or in a multi-storey car park accommodate. This could possibly cost you less and you can sleep more peacefully.

However, if you would like to ignite a few firecrackers yourself: Use caution and do not do this near cars. So nothing happens and both parties save themselves the hassle.

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