
Buying Bitcoin miner via Alibaba no longer possible

Buying a Bitcoin miner via Alibaba is a thing of the past. It has everything to do with stricter regulations.

China is in a war on cryptocurrency. Companies active in China will have to dance to the tune of the government there. The government is powerful enough to stop your activities in the country or worse. If you ever bought something related to cryptocurrency on Alibaba, you now come home from a cold fair. Alibaba is forced to stop selling Bitcoin miners. And that’s not all.

In fact, you will see less or even disappear completely on Alibaba of everything that has to do with crypto. It is a response of the webshop to the policy of the Chinese government to ban everything related to cryptocurrency transactions.

In addition to Bitcoin or any other crypto miner, you can no longer buy cryptocurrency manuals on Alibaba. Bad news for if you did your shopping here related to crypto. At the same time, Alibaba has become a lot less interesting for European consumers since this summer. Import duties have been tightened, which means that cheap orders can still be expensive. On the website of the webshop, Alibaba even gives a short explanation why they have stopped selling crypto miners.

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