
Build customer experience in the B2B area: Here’s how [Anzeige]

As in B2C, customer acquisition also plays a major role in the highly competitive B2B sector. The shopping experience must be easy to understand, mobile, modern and easy to use. How you with the Ibexa Digital Experience Platform succeed and you build a profitable customer experience, we will explain to you in this article.

Precisely because B2B is very often about complex processes and complex products, the customer experience plays an important role. After all, who comes back when the purchasing process is lengthy and complicated? Business customers do not have this time.

Nevertheless it succeeds according to Gartner 43 percent of sellers fail to present complex products. And this despite the fact that the Gartner report 2019 already stated that 77 percent of B2B buyers had perceived their last purchase as very complex or difficult.

A particular challenge in building a profitable B2B customer experience is the non-linear shopping journey. Where end customers in B2C usually act very linearly, complex B2B solutions often according to Gartner in 2021six to ten people make the decision.

80% of shoppers are switching providers for a better digital shopping experience

As with the B2C shopping experience, the B2B customer experience should also be tailored to the specific company looking for a complex solution. The personalization of the content and its display at the right time and through the right channels is crucial for the success of your company. Because 80 percent of buyers are willing to change providers if they offer them a better digital shopping experience.

One possibility is to use a Customer Data Platform (CDP) to collect and evaluate data in order to build and continuously optimize the customer experience. For this reason, you should develop an omnichannel strategy and a comprehensive concept for using several channels through which you can reach your customers.

You should also make sure that the content flows seamlessly so that your prospects and customers do not feel like they are missing out when they switch channels.

B2B Customer Experience: Modern and digital

83 percent of B2B buyers now lay according to Gartner Worth ordering and paying digitally. However, it is equally important that you exploit the modern possibilities of the digital age for your company.

The automation of business processes is therefore essential for you, such as the use of an ERP or CRM integrated into your e-commerce system to manage orders and customers and to have an overview of all details at the click of a mouse. You can also increase your productivity with a so-called iPaaS, an integration platform as a service.

Optimize the B2B customer experience with Ibexa

For a smooth process, it is advisable to rely on solutions from a single source for the systems to create a profitable, successful B2B customer experience. Ibexa offers a comprehensive DXP solution for content, e-commerce and customer experience. Because the Ibexa team is very familiar with the challenges that B2B companies face in the digital world.

With the appropriate know-how, the Ibexa team is at your side on your journey to creating the ideal customer experience. If you want to convince yourself of the Ibexa DXP solutions at a trade fair, drop by the OMR Festival. Together with six partners Ibexa at stand A4 F07 be represented to create experiences together with you, to grow digitally and to challenge the future.

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