Bibi Breijman provides update on health during pregnancy: ‘Much better’
‘I’ve been feeling a lot better for a while now’, writes Bibi. “I hardly dare to say it out loud because I’m afraid I’ll have a relapse, but it really seems that I HG (Hyperemesis Gravidarum) will also survive this pregnancy.’
The fact that things are going better now is very nice for Bibi, but also for her environment. ‘No more sprints with bowls, wet rags or hospital visits. Not that they minded looking after me, but they felt quite powerless,” she writes. To make contact at home even faster, Waylon even bought a walkie-talkie. A bit crazy, Bibi thought, but she went along with it anyway. ‘Until at night, when I finally got some sleep and didn’t think about HG, I was abruptly awakened by the police and fire brigade. I got emergency messages on the walkie-talkie.’ You understand: that walkie-talkie went back into the closet.
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Second experience
Pregnancy vomiting is anything but fun, but according to Bibi, her second experience was a little less difficult in retrospect, because she had already experienced it. “Then you know a little better how to deal with it,” she writes. In addition, there is now a little one around: Teddy of three. ‘I saw in her what I did it for and what beautiful things I would get in return.’ She could never have dreamed that Bibi would feel better after four months. She encourages all her HG fellow sufferers. ‘I understand very well that you then think: never again! But I’m sure I would do it again. If I am allowed: green light for my team!’
Source: Flair
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