
Attention, block and do not reveal any data!

Calls to the phone number 06151380336 should make you suspicious. The polite call center staff want to “compare data” but cannot tell you for what purpose. GIGA explains what’s behind the number and how you should react.

In order to be able to spam you, you first have to have your data. There are companies that are regrettably legal and will trade your data. Such a company is behind the number 06151380336.

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Who owns the number 06151380336?

  • The entire area behind the main number 06151 380-0 belongs to a company called Bisnode. This has the analysis and optimization, but also the Trading in data prescribed. It is primarily about company data, because only these are allowed to harass Bisnode customers for marketing purposes with some legal certainty.
  • The calls to the number 06151380336 serve this purpose Data synchronization. Verified and supplemented data is more expensive than simply collecting data stolen from the Internet.
  • The callers are very polite but cannot or do not want to say when asked for what purpose they want the data.
  • The users of various spam reporting portals indicate that the numbers 0395379010 and 03955699326 are displayed as the actual starting point for calls. The company’s call center may be there.
  • Sometimes there are only automatic control calls. With these “Ping calls“The phone rings and nobody answers. This is to check the existence of the number.

You don’t have to give this company any data. But you can’t do anything if you give wrong data. A lawyer would have to decide whether the company has a “legitimate interest” in the calls. In any case, according to the GDPR, you have a right to know from the company what it has saved about you.

To at least get rid of the stubborn call attempts, you can block the number.

Block the number 06151380336 – this is how it works

Data traders should be hindered wherever possible. The best way to do this is through wrong and pointless data. But under no circumstances should you also help them to verify their data so that they can sell it more expensively. In the case of 06151380336, it is advisable to block the whole company. The main number is 06151 380-0 and at least in the telephone router and landline you can block this whole area.

All this does not change the fact that these companies have your data, but at least they no longer bother you with their intention of making the data even more valuable through “verification”.

Are you masking your cameras?

Mark Zuckerberg does it and the FBI director also advises: Covering or taping cameras in the name of security and privacy. What do you think about that?

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