Apple will bring Fitness Plus to Germany in 2021
In addition to new iPhones and iPads and the Watch Series 7, Apple announced an update for its Fitness Plus service at the fall event, which will come to Germany in 2021.
In just under an hour and a half, Tim Cook and his employees rattled through a whole series of new product announcements at the virtual autumn event California Streaming. In addition to the new iPhone 13 models, new iPads and the Apple Watch Series 7, there was also an update for Apple’s fitness service Fitness Plus. The most important thing: Fitness Plus should be available in 15 other countries by the end of the year, including Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
With the announcement of the Watch 7, Apple has revised the currently around 1,200 workouts and adapted them to the new smartwatch models. In addition, the service gets a number of new functions and workouts. New, for example, is the guided meditation with nine topics such as Kindness or Focus as well as motivating videos – on iPhone, iPad and Apple TV – with the Fitness Plus trainer: inside. The individual exercises last five, ten or 20 minutes, depending on your needs.
Guided meditation in the future in Fitness Plus. (Image: Apple)
With watchOS 8, which should be available from September 20, 2021, Apple is turning the breathing app into the mindfulness app. In addition to an extended breathing exercise, it will contain a new reflection exercise as well as the above-mentioned guided Fitness Plus meditations in audio form. Users can meditate while walking or hiking and follow the activities in parallel on the training app. Another new type of training in Fitness Plus is Pilates, whose exercises last ten, 20 or 30 minutes and for which mostly only a mat is required.

Ski and snowboard professionals Anja Garcia Ted Ligety bring ski workouts to Fitness Plus. (Image: Apple)
In addition, Apple brings workouts that should enable preparation for the ski season. Ski alpine legend Ted Ligety and snowboarder Anja Garcia act as trainers, who also worked on the development of the workouts. It includes exercises such as HIIT, strength, yoga and core, for which Ligety partly inspired his training as a top athlete, such as Apple announces. “Others are inspired by my experiences as a father who, in addition to his skis, also has to carry his children from the parking lot to the lift,” says Ligety.
For some time now there have been workouts for pregnant women and for senior citizens as well as for beginners. In the future there will be Fitness Plus trainings with the artists Billie Eilish, Calvin Harris, Imagine Dragons and Nicki Minaj, including a selection of their muscles for different types of training. From autumn there will also be new episodes of Time for Walking. Stories and music by interesting personalities should motivate users to leave more often.
The opportunity to train with friends or family members is certainly also motivating for fitness fans. For this purpose, Apple brings the so-called group workouts to Fitness Plus – via Shareplay. This allows up to 32 participants to do a workout together.