
Apple Music Classical can now be listened to within Android

Classical music is on streaming services, but Apple felt it needed more attention. That’s why it comes with Apple Music Classical, which is now available to download from the Play Store. It’s kind of like Apple Music, the company’s regular streaming service, but with only classical music. In this App of the Week we take a closer look.


Apple took over the Dutch service Primephonic some time ago and Apple Music Classical was born from it. You can also download the app on Android, although you also have to download the Apple Music app: a connection is required between your Apple Music account and this app. So yes, you must be an Apple Music subscriber to access the app. There is a trial period that you can use to give it a try.

The reason Apple opts for a separate classical music app is that it is different and therefore requires a different approach. For example, the titles are much longer (which has little to do with the music itself, of course, but it has to do with the presentation within a streaming service), and according to Apple, the app is designed to better handle the more complex data within classical music. In addition, of course, each orchestra does its own version of Vivaldi’s four seasons and it is sometimes difficult to find your way through all those different variants. This app offers some more options in that regard.

Apple Music Classical

The app works very well technically. It is a very white app. Especially if you are always used to working in dark mode, then all that white takes some getting used to. It does look very clean and clear: there are not all advertisements, for example, no busy home pages: Apple fortunately keeps it fairly quiet. The photography accompanying the pieces is not exciting, but it is of good quality. The app also tries to inspire you to find new artists by presenting you with some artists on the homepage that you have not listened to before.

App of the Week: Apple Music Classical can now be listened to within Android

It’s Sunday really a day for classical music if you want to give it a try bear in mind that you suddenly have two extra apps on your phone and if you don’t already have Apple Music then it is recommended that you before the trial period ends, put a note in your calendar to cancel it on time (if you don’t want to pay for it). In any case, it is worth a try, especially for people who like the beautiful classical pieces that old and young composers have given us.

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Apple Music Classical

Apple Music Classical

Apple has decided that classical music deserves more attention, despite it being already available on several streaming services. Therefore, it now introduces Ap..

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