
A nasty surprise threatens before Christmas

Christmas is approaching us with giant strides. This not only puts a smile on the faces of children who are longingly awaiting their gifts: in retail, the pre-Christmas period is traditionally the time with the highest sales. For parents, however, gift shopping will be particularly expensive this year.

Christmas Eve is less than a month away. Anyone who has already bought the gifts for friends and family can consider themselves lucky – twice over. It saves you the stress of shopping in the run-up to Christmas and is easy on your wallet.

Price increases for stationery, groceries and toys

On top of the record inflation already in place, many companies have announced further price increases. This emerges from the ifo value for price expectations. It works like one Balance of planned price increases and price reductions. With a value of 0, none of the companies surveyed are increasing their prices, but with a value of 100, all of them. At 50, price increases and price decreases are balanced.

The total value for Germany in November was 46.7 points. This means that more companies are planning price reductions than price increases. In October it was still 51.3 points. Depending on the industry, however, the values ​​are extremely different. One of the top performers is the toy trade with 94.4 points, after 75.4 points in the previous month. Means: Almost all toy retailers want to raise prices.

Things look even bleaker in the stationery (96.1 points) and food retail (95.1 points) sectors. Prices for drugstores (92.4 points) and consumer electronics (82.2 points) are also rising significantly (via: star).

These Switch games shouldn’t be under the Christmas tree:

Price increases slowed down in gastronomy and bicycle trade

At least the price increase seems to be slowing down gradually. In gastronomy, the ifo-Wet is at 58.2 points – after 80.5 points in October. And the score for bicycle dealers also fell from 81.9 to 64.5 points.

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