[Vidéo] Android Express tutorial: remove Google news from the home screen
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On most Android overlays, in any case those that do not stray too far from the “stock” version, Google reserves a location on a side panel for its Google Discover. Just scroll left from the home screen to access news. Of course these are selected for you based on your searches on Google. Some people find it to be an intrusion into their privacy (and to combat this there are solutions like installing the alternative system / e /), while other users don’t mind being offered news according to their areas of interest.
Home settings? WTF?
But even if you fall into that second category, you might not want to have a tab or side panel imposed on your smartphone. A kind of “Apple mode”: buy and shut the fuck up. You just have to open the Google app to have access to your news if you feel like it. But when it comes to setting up a new device, it’s a no-brainer to get rid of that Google Discover panel of doom. There is nothing in the Settings and when you go to the options of Discover the only thing you can do is delete the news feed … But the left panel is still there! It is only hopelessly empty. The solution is however very simple, but not really intuitive.
You will have to do a long press in the home screen, as to install a widget or display a new wallpaper except that you will have to go to Home settings then remove the option Swipe to access the Google app. There is no mention of Discover or news. You might even think it’s done on purpose to discourage users. Ha good? (with Roselyne’s voice)
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