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Facebook changes its name to Meta

The rumor was true: Facebook is changing its name. As of today, Facebook becomes META. But make no mistake about it. Only the “company” Facebook opts for a new name. The social network retains the name we know it since 2004.

The information leaked a little over a week ago: Facebook must change its name and opt for a new name. We will now have to call the company “Meta“. Facebook, which fully plays the card of “metaverse”For some time, has therefore been largely inspired by this word to rename his company. On the other hand, the social network retains its name well.

Facebook becomes Meta: what is changing?

The social network Facebook, which claims more than 2 billion active users, announced the color a few weeks ago. Facebook is becoming a “metaverse business”. Understand that the firm does not want to limit itself to social networks or instant messaging tools. Admittedly, the company has different strings to its bow, such as its virtual reality headset, the Oculus Quest which now allows you to play wirelessly on a PC, or the Portal TV, a connected camera that allows you to chat with your friends on his TV. But it was not enough and the firm intends to go even further.

Facebook VR Avatars

He therefore needed a name to match his ambitions. And what could be more natural for Facebook than to rename itself Meta, in order to approach its famous “metaverse”. This is indeed the name unveiled by Mark Zuckerberg at the end of a 1h20 online event, during which the CEO and founder of the company focused on virtual reality. Video games, social networks, the business world, health, habitat… Everything is there. Mark Zuckerberg aims to place VR at the very heart of all his projects. Enough to set up a whole “set of connected universes”. By the way, the company adopts a brand new logo, similar to that of the infinite symbol.

Mark Zuckerberg Lance Meta

But why is the Facebook company now called Meta? Meta for “beyond,” says Mark Zuckerberg. According to him, the future of users will be played out in different places, which they can visit as they wish by “teleporting”, whether using their avatar or their real image reconstructed in 3 dimensions. Users will thus be able to attend a real concert, but without actually leaving home, talking around a table with friends on the other side of the world, etc.

What does not change at Facebook

If the Facebook entity changes its name and therefore opts for Meta, the company nevertheless keeps all its brands. Thus, the social network created 17 years ago retains its name well and well. Facebook will continue to be called Facebook. The same goes for the rest of the services and applications owned by Mark Zuckerberg’s company: Instagram and WhatsApp keep their names.

A situation that is not unlike that of Google, whose parent company has been called Alphabet since 2015. But six years later, who really speaks of Alphabet to designate the company?

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