
Your child has a tic, now what?

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From one day to the next, your child suddenly jerks his head compulsively, makes a crazy noise on the assembly line or clears his throat every minute. Is it a tic, or is something else going on? This is how you recognize tics, and here’s what you can do about it.

What is a tick?

A tic is a rapid, sudden, and repetitive movement or sound. For example, your child makes repetitive movements with his fingers, shakes his head, or clicks his tongue. Sometimes children have several tics at the same time. They’re hard to stop, though your child can probably hold back his tic for a few minutes if you point it out. Continuous use of a safe word can also be a tic.

Tics originate in the brain. Doctors assume that heredity plays a role. In a predisposed child, tics can be triggered by tension, stress or fatigue. That can be worse one day than the other. When a child is asleep or very concentrated on something, the tic often does not occur.

Movement tics are also referred to as motor tics; sounds fall under the vocal tics.

How many children are affected?

About fifteen percent of all primary school pupils sometimes suffer from a tic; most often when they are between the ages of seven and eleven. Boys and girls suffer from it equally often, although it is also said that tics occur slightly more often in boys. Adults can also have tics.

Read also – ‘My son (7) has five tics, sometimes all at once. It drives my husband and I crazy’ >

How do you deal with it?

First, most tics go away on their own. Sometimes after a few months, but sometimes only after a year. While it is not always pleasant for parents when their child has a tic – some find it embarrassing when the tic is very disturbing or conspicuous – there is usually no cause for concern. Your child often does not even realize that he has a tic. So if you pay little or no attention to it, the tic will pass by itself. Paying a lot of attention to it can actually make the tic worse.

In rare cases, there may be a tic disorder. Then your child often has several tics at the same time, which are expressed so much over a long period of time that they limit their functioning. Gilles de la Tourette is one such tic disorder.

Can it be remedied?

As we wrote, most tics go away on their own. If you are afraid that there is a tic disorder, then a visit to the doctor is wise. In the worst case, they can prescribe medication. Fortunately, there are also regular training and relaxation exercises to combat tics.

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