
“Amir was very happy with my coat, mom!” said Lennart’

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Every month a mother talks about the moment in motherhood when things went completely wrong.

Femke (35), mother of Leonieke (11) and Lennart (9):

“My children’s school takes in a number of refugee children. In Lennart’s class there is a boy, Amir, who had to leave everything behind because of the war. Lennart’s master had briefly told us about Amir’s background, and the story had moved our son deeply.

Especially in the beginning, he came home every day with questions: what would we do with our cat if we had to flee? Could he take his Lego with him? But also about Amir: he often wore old and broken clothes, did his parents have no money left?

Read also – With these tips, saving on children’s clothing is a piece of cake >

Clothing gift

My husband and I explained it as best we could on his own level. I proposed to see if we could find some nice clothes that were too small for him, together with Lennart, to give them to Amir. They are in a transition class, Amir is a year younger and a lot more fragile than my son, it’s a whole size difference. Of course I didn’t want to offend Amir’s parents, but they were nothing but grateful for this gesture. So far fine.

Until Lennart came home jubilant from after-school care last week: ‘Amir was very happy with my coat, mama!’ I had to think hard. Jacket? The day before we had donated two big shoppers to Amir with some nice sports sets, sweaters and jeans. I couldn’t remember a jacket.

“He had thought that Amir probably wanted it nice and warm”

“Which one, honey?” I inquired. “Well, that blue one.” What turned out? Lennart had given away his brand new winter coat. He had seen it hanging in his closet, thought that Amir must want to be nice and warm and managed to put the coat in one of the bags unseen. This was a bit too much for me: the price tags were still attached.


There was nothing for it but to go with Lennart to Amir and his parents that same evening. I could have sunk through the ground when, albeit with another winter coat from Lennart as exchange material, I came to ask for his coat back. Fortunately, Amir’s mother was very understanding. She already felt embarrassed and this other coat was also more than welcome.”

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