
Daylio helps you stay motivated

Snacking a little less, sleeping a little more, spending a little more time with your family: life demands a lot from us and it is easy to be constantly busy with work. This week in the App of the Week we discuss Daylio: an app that takes a different tack.


When we talk about apps that can help you psychologically, you might immediately think that you must have a disorder diagnosed with the DSM. Certainly not: Daylio is also not an app that is hugely pedantic or just wants you to enter smilies. It’s an app that allows you to indicate how you feel about it every day based on all kinds of things that you probably find important. It wants to help you create a good balance in your life, so that you not only have your head in that laptop, but also feel that you have spent valuable time that day and paid attention to your family or your friends .

For example, you can specifically indicate whether you partied that day and whether you read. In this way you can map out whether you have spent time on your hobbies, family or your sleep. Have you already had food delivered to your home, or did you cook yourself? In the end, it’s all about attention and priority. By choosing a little more often for yourself, you will notice that the half hour that you work less really doesn’t matter that much. At least: not for your work, you will actually get a lot more out of that half hour that you are not working.

A better balance

The writer of this article is a notorious overworker (although she just calls it a hard worker herself). The kind of person whose customs at Schiphol ask why she takes her laptop with her when she is clearly going on holiday in the sun. That app is fantastic for someone like me: not so much because it is so important to keep track of it, but because it is important to occasionally reflect on what you do and what you do choose . Sometimes it also helps you to choose more for yourself: something that many people find difficult, especially people who, for example, ‘have to’ keep a family running.

You can also choose in which categories you want to keep track of your activities. You can turn them all on very fanatically, but it’s better to start small. There is always room for more. That way you keep it manageable for yourself. You can’t expect to become a completely different person overnight, but with this app you can work on becoming a better person bit by bit. For example, consider losing weight.

Goal oriented

Maybe you first start with just not snacking, then you also stop fast food, you start cooking yourself, eat healthier and eventually you start exercising and drinking enough water. This is not an app to keep track of how many kilos you have lost or when: that would be at odds with what Daylio is intended for. The idea is to do things at your pace and especially not to make you feel guilty if you do eat that brown fruit bowl full of Lindt balls.

However, this app is not free: after a free trial you pay a few euros per month for it, so you have to make sure that you actually use it. Otherwise you will have problems on yet another balance sheet. Just kidding, of course, but it is an app that you have to use fanatically to get the most out of it.

The simplicity of the app’s purpose is fantastic, especially combined with the multitude of options you can keep track of. Hopefully, thanks to Daylio, you will also be able to find more balance in your days. And most importantly: in your head. Good luck!

App of the Week

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Daylio - Diary, Moods

There’s nothing wrong with getting started with yourself. Do you use an app like Daylio? Why or not? Leave it now in the comments to this article.

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