10 tips against frustration at the start of the week
Many employees often feel stressed on Mondays. You have what is called the Monday blues. But is there such a thing? And how do you get rid of the Monday blues? We present: Ten tips against frustration at the start of the week.
“Typical Monday”: who doesn’t know this sentence? On Mondays, many employees feel uncomfortable, stressed or mourn the previous weekend. Those who overcome such feelings often call this phenomenon the Monday blues. But does such a thing even exist? And: How do you get rid of the frustration at the start of the week?
Do the Monday blues really exist?
Before we solve a problem, we need to understand it. Researchers from the Psychology Institute at the University of Leipzig thought so too. There, a team led by work psychologist Oliver Weigelt in a diary study dealt with the topic “Monday Blues”. The results appeared in Journal of Organizational Behavior.
As part of the study, the researchers asked 87 people on two weekends and in the work week in between in the morning, at noon and in the afternoon how vital or exhausted they felt.
In addition, the scientists wanted to know how the subjects slept before and what they expect from the following day. At the end of the working day, they also recorded how strenuous the workers found the day to be.
According to the University of Leipzig, the Monday blues do not exist
Contrary to all perceptions, the researchers working with Weigelt found that well-being on Mondays is no less than on other days of the week. So the “Monday blues” is just a myth. Vitality and exhaustion developed independently of professional efforts.
However, the contrast between Sunday and Monday can lead to the first day of the working week being perceived as the worst day of the week. Contrary to expectations, we found no evidence that fatigue increased over the course of a work week.
A research team from Swedish University in Gothenburg found out, however, that our mood hits its weekly high on Saturday. After that, according to the Swedish researchers, comes the real problem: Sunday.
And how Researchers at the University of Hamburg found out that this Sunday blues mainly affects married people and academics. The reason for this is fear and stress for the coming week. They feel that the weekend is too short to actually relax. Also because then the family wants to be taken care of.
10 tips against the Monday blues
Real or not, we don’t necessarily have to put up with the Monday blues. If you still feel tired and unmotivated on Mondays, you can use a few tricks to help yourself. Here we have put together the ten best tips against the Monday blues.
1. Get enough sleep
Weigelt’s team in Leipzig found that subjects felt better when they slept better at weekends compared to the work week. The personal battery must be recharged.
And, of course, people who spend the entire weekend doing a good job or working out with activities feel less rested than employees who actually use the weekend to rest and relax.
1. Get enough sleep. (unsplash.com/Lux Graves)
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