
YouTube Music app for Android Auto is completely revamped

YouTube introduced its application for Android Auto two years ago. Since then, the app has been provided with a new design layer several times, but a large-scale upgrade has not been forthcoming. An update that is available to a small number of users, this time brings the desired overhaul, making the app especially safer to use while driving.

YouTube Music on Android Auto

Until recently, the YouTube Music interface on Android Auto consisted of a home screen with three tabs: Home, History, and Library. By clicking on one of the tabs you could further navigate through the interface. However, if you wanted to switch from the home screen to history or your library, you had to go back to the home screen. When driving a car you want to avoid that – extra touches to get to another tab.

Old YouTube Music interface, image: Android Police

YouTube has also noted this itself and now seems to be rolling out an update for the Music app that changes the menu structure, Android Police reports, among others. According to the website, the update is rolling out as part of the YouTube Music 4.30.50 update. With the update comes a completely new menu structure, with three or four tabs at the top of the screen. If you want to access your history from the home screen, simply click on the tab at the top of the screen.

Functions of the tabs are also the same as the old interface. So on the home screen you’ll find the shortcuts to recently played media – including playlists – while history offers a more comprehensive list view of the playlists, albums and songs you’ve been listening to. Furthermore, under the library tab you can see your own playlists and saved media, and in the last tab device files you can see which files are stored on the device.

YouTube Music app for Android Auto is completely revamped
Customized interface with new navigation buttons, image: Android Police

Rollout YouTube Music Update

YouTube has left the interface untouched. In the song list view, three album covers are still displayed side by side. From now on, the app will constantly show the YouTube Music logo. This is to replace the old back button, which was previously positioned in that place in the app.

At the Androidworld editors, the 4.30.50 update is now available on all devices that we were able to test. After the update has been installed, you can immediately start using the new interface. Did you already receive the update for YouTube Music, and what do you think of the new navigation for Android Auto? Let us know in the comments at the bottom of the article.

YouTube Music - stream music and watch videos

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