You should definitely not do this in winter
The cost of gas has increased drastically. So it’s no wonder that consumers are looking for alternatives so that the additional costs don’t explode in winter. Consumer advocates and others are now warning of a gas alternative for heating the home. It could overload the power grids.
Before expensive winter: Associations warn against heating with fan heaters
Electric fan heaters are a possible alternative to gas heating. Nevertheless, several associations advise that they should not be used across the board in the coming winter. In addition to consumer advocates, the Federal Network Agency and the energy industry also warn of fan heaters. This does not save money and the power grids could be overloaded.
According to the chairman of the Federation of German Consumer Organizations (VZBV), Ramona Pop, fan heaters drive up electricity bills. If they were used much more frequently in Germany than in previous winters, then the danger would increase Overloading of the electricity distribution networks raise. The Federal Network Agency shares this assessment. Instead, she recommends keeping the temperature in the room a little lower to save on expensive gas.
According to the Federal Association of Energy and Water Industries, fan heaters, radiators and convectors are simply “not made” to replace conventional heating. they should “only with caution” according to a spokeswoman for the association to the newspapers of the Funke media group (source: daily News).
Generate electricity yourself with a balcony power plant:
GfK: Germans are buying more fan heaters
Although they are not economical and can pose a risk to the grid, German customers are currently happily reaching for fan heaters and similar devices. The market research company GfK reports that in the first half of 2022 significantly more fan heaters sold were than in previous years. GfK speaks of around 600,000 devices, which corresponds to an increase of 35 percent.