You can’t make up these weird jobs
There are jobs that demand a lot: Management consultants, for example, have to travel a lot, investment bankers usually work many hours a week. Both get a lot of money for it. Then there are jobs that are more leisurely. You drive to the office in the morning and sometimes go home more or less punctually. Marketing or HR managers do that, but usually for significantly less money.
The rule of thumb in the working world could also be: either you have time or you have money. Both at the same time is only granted to well-fed and rich heirs of millionaires – at least that’s how it seems. About 99.99 percent of all jobs are likely to fall under these conditions. But what about the remaining 0.01 percent of jobs? They are anything but normal, but much more bizarre than the average Joe could imagine. Any examples?
A US influencer agency is currently hiring a job that almost every teenager should be happy to apply for: Ubiquitous is looking for people who scroll through Tiktok ten hours a day. What is that good for? The agency wants to ensure that it doesn’t miss any more trends. She digs deep into her pocket for this: 100 US dollars per hour or 1,000 dollars per day are set.
The “Tiktok Watching Job 2.0” is currently still available. The application process is no less unconventional. In addition to a short letter of motivation, interested parties should subscribe to the agency’s YouTube channel and post a tweet in which they describe why they are best suited for the job. The company has three positions to fill.
A job that the German Aerospace Center (DLR) advertises every few years is no less strange: the German space researchers regularly look for so-called “terrestrial astronauts” for NASA. With their help, they investigate the physical changes caused by weightlessness in space. We are looking for subjects who are in bed for 30 days – most recently for a whopping 11,000 euros.
However, what sounds relaxed may not be as pleasant as many might think: Applicants must be aware that they will spend the 30 days in an uncomfortable head-down position of six degrees. In this position you experience the same physical changes as an astronaut in space. To reduce muscle wasting, they simply pedal on an ergometer. Most recently recruited for 2023.
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Professional Blunt Roller: Snoop Dogg employs someone to roll his joints. (Photo: dpa)
There is no publicly advertised job advertisement for the most relaxed and at the same time probably best-paid job in the world. And to be honest, it seems that it is already occupied, but it is well known that an unsolicited application can never hurt. The speech is from the “PBR – Professional Blunt Roller”, which the US rapper Snoop Dogg wants to put into his service. He pays $50,000 a year to the person who rolls his joints.
As the saying goes, there is a lid for every pot. Last but not least, this also applies to jobs and job seekers. Even for people who want to monetize their social media addiction or want to feel like an astronaut, the job market has something to offer. However, other jobs remain as unattainable as winning the lottery – but even that is at least theoretically attainable. The probability of winning is 0.00000072 percent.
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